Politisk deltagelse via Facebook er titlen på min bacheloropgave, som jeg skrev i forbindelse med bachelorseminaret Dansk Demokrati og Parlamentarisme.
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Jeg er stadig meget interesseret i feedback – adressen er bafb@kezze.dk .
Abstract in English
Political Participation through Facebook is a critical case study of an earlier study of two Danish internet communities with a focus on political debate (Linaa Jensen, 2006).
The focus in this study is to cover whether political participation through membership of Facebook-groups can be seen as an alternative or a supplement to other means of political participation. The literature, including studies of grass root movements, suggests that political participation is a supplement, and thereby mostly motivates people who are already politically active.
It is expected to find that membership of Facebook-groups is an alternative, because Facebook attracts a wider variety of people than ordinary political debate-communities. Additionally, Facebook constantly promotes Facebook-group-memberships, which can help engage politically alienated members.
This study has been using quantitative data analysis of a survey sent out to five Facebook-groups. The response rate is low, which troubles generalization. However, it finds that the respondents show a greater deal of supplementary participation than the previous studies. The non-response-problem is expected to cause that the sampling error results in a higher measured level of political participation for the sample than for the population.
This Facebook-study additionally finds that Facebook-activities have influenced political decisions, especially caused by the media-hype.